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"It's your time to cOMpete in Italy".

                                                                                          Mister OM - Creative Director 2T

Soft Women


The SOFT, are athletes with muscles visible and built. Their muscular development is delicate and very small compared to the category Body Fitness.


The elegant category Soft will be on stage Sunday, November 29.


Registrations to category Soft, held on Saturday morning, at the Palazzo dei Congressi.


The athletes must wear a costume pose that enhances the physical, and respects the rules regarding the style, the color and material of the same.
The costume for the class to women is a two-piece (the two sides, can be connected).
I not allowed the thongs. The costume must cover all the private parts, with good taste. Will not be allowed the use of costumes that the organizer and / or the chief judge, considered tacky and / or offensive.
The costumes of laying may have sequins, drawings and mixed colors.


WARNING: in this and in all Categories Trophy Two Towers, it is absolutely forbidden the use of walnut oil.
Allowed only alcohol-based self-tanners. The athlete who despite being prohibited, will make use of walnut oil, is excluded from the classification.
It is allowed to use alcohol - based tanning products. No use of walnut oil (Tanning Mallo)

Trophy Two Towers has a tanning service certificate on site, available to all athletes.


In this round the athletes are evaluated based on the following criteria:
Femininity '


Symmetry: means a body from the symmetrical development, both between the upper and lower districts, that between the left and right sides;
Aspect Ratio: means skeletal structure well-proportioned, harmonious relationship with life-backs.
Tone: it requires a heavy build, with greater attention to the abdominal region, legs, buttocks and the quality of the V-shape.
Femininity on stage feature poise, posture, the charismatic gifts and smiling facial beauty.


The athletes will be judged according to the following poses:
relaxed position front
right side
left side
dual front double biceps biceps back


In all exposures required, the athletes will have to maintain a slight muscle contraction. The poses of double biceps should be performed with high arms (elbows over the shoulder line) and with open hands, not clench your fists.


Perform the routine, only the five finalists in each category.
The routine of the female categories will last up to 90 seconds for each athlete.
The musical base is delivered as a single MP3 file on a CD or USB key, the day before the race, at registration (Saturday, 28 November 2015).
The costume is available as color and shape, as long as it respects the canons of decency.


Judges will select the five finalists in each category, as per regulation (Art 11:12 Jury).The first three teams of the category, receiving a cash prize. SEE HERE

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